
52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf books
52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf books

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf books

Make pilgrimages only for seeing Gurdwaras.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf books

Darshan yaatraa gurdwaaraa dee hee karnee|.Chugalee kar kisae da kam nahee vigaarnaa|ĭo not cause ruin by gossiping about other's business.Maintain all business affairs in accordance with scripture. Give her to a household where the Undying divine personification Akal purakh and tenets of Sikhism are respected, to household without debt, of a pleasing nature, which is disciplined and educated. Uos ghar daeve jithae Akal Purukh dee sikhee ha, jo karza-ai naa hovae, bhalae subhaa da hovae, bibaekee atae gyanvaan hovae|ĭo not given a daughter's hand in marriage to a shaven one. Never be without the turban, wear it always.Īddress a Singh by their entire name including Singh, do not shorten it by half or call them nicknames.ĭo not indulge in drinking alcoholic beverages. Recite the late evening prayer Sohila and the verse "Pavan guru pani pita." before sleeping. Saun valae sohilaa atae 'paun guru pani pita.' salok parhnaa|.Raheraas da paath kar kharae ho kae ardaas karnee|Īfter reciting Rehras, stand up and perform Ardas.But maintain trust in Gurbani and Akal Purakh. Study the books and beliefs of other faiths. Pur bhrosaa drirh Gurbanee, Akaal Purakh tae karnaa| Doosrae mataa dae pustak, vidyaa parhnee.Train in the skills of weaponry and horsemanship. Shaster vidyaa atae ghorhae di savaari da abhiaas karnaa|.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf books

When dealing with enemies, practice diplomacy, employ a variety of tactics, and exhaust all techniques before engaging in warfare. Dushman naal saam, daam, bhaed, aadiak, upaa vartnae ate uprant udh karnaa|.Study and learn about governmental policies. In the affairs of governing, do not give the power of religious authority to those of other faiths. Raaj Kaaj dian kamaan tae doosrae mutaa dia purshaan noo huk nahee daenaa| Have no faith in oaths sworn by one attempting to convince another of sincerity. Sugandh (kasam sahu) dae kar itbaar janaaoun vaalae tae yakeen nahee karnaa|.Budh bal da daataa vaheguroo noo jaananaa|Īppreciate intellect and power as gifts of the all knowing wondrous Enlightener.Maintain a high standard of purity in religious discipline. (Regardless of maternal and paternal caste or heritage, all of the Guru's Sikhs are siblings of one family.) Saak guroo Sikhan sang hoath)|ĭo not be proud of riches, youthfulness or lineage. Dhan, javaanee, tae kul jaat da abhiman naee karnaa (Nanak daadak tahe duae goath.Kisae dee ninda, chugalee, atae eirkhaa nahee karnee|ĭo not gossip nor slander, or be spiteful to anyone.Take part in listening to Kirtan and discussions of the essence of Gurbani every day. Gurbanee dee kathaa tae keertan roaz sunanaa atae karnaa|.Make companions of Gursikhs who follow the Rehit and recite the Divine Name. Rehitvaan atae naam jupan vaalae gursikhaa dee sangat karnee|.Jagat jootth tambaakoo bikhiaa da tiaag karnaa|ĭiscard worldly ways, falsehoods, and poisonous tobacco.Do not indulge in carnal marital relationships with them.ĭo not subject your wife to cursing, or verbal abuse. Other than your wedded wife, consider all women as your mothers and sisters. Par istree, ma bhain, dhee bhain, kar jaananee.Without Anand marriage ceremony carnal relations should not occur. Until Karaah Parshaad has been served to everyone, the congregation ought to be still and remain seated. Jab tak Karaah Parshaad vartadaa rahae sadh sangat addol batthee rahae|.Jaman, maran, ja viah mokae jup da paatth kar tihaaval (Karaah Parsaad) kar anand sahib dia punj paurian, ardaas, pratham panj pyaariaan atae hazooree granthee noo vartaa kae oprunth sangat noo vartaaouna|įor birth naming, funeral, or marriage ceremonies or devotional reading paath, recite Japji Sahib while making Karah Prashad, perform five verses of Anand Sahib, and ardaas, and then distribute Karah Prashad to the Panj Pyare, attending Granthi, and then to the sangat gathered for worship.When undertaking any task, first perform the prayer of ardas. Kaarjaan dae arambh vich ardaas karnee|.Guru Granth Sahib Jee noo Guru mananaa|īelieve in and accept Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the Guide to enlightenment.Adhere resolutely to the five articles of faith.Īpply the sacred hymns to life in practice.Ĭontemplate and assimilate the beautiful truth of the True Enlightener. Panj Kakaar dee rehit drirh kar rukhnee|įollow the discipline of the 5 K's strictly.Study the essence of Gurbani with learned Sikhs. Gurbanee de arth Sikh vidhvanaa tuo parrhnae|.Sikh sevak dee sevaa ruchee naal karnee|ĭevotedly serve the Sikh who serves others.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf books